As climate induced disasters are on the rise across Southern Africa, three activists grapple with what thinking globally and acting locally means in practice.


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Gabriel is leading the charge against coal generated energy in South Africa, where more CO2 is emitted per capita than any other country on Earth. With rising global temperatures caused by the burning of fossil fuels, the stakes are high, not only for the world but also for the millions who live in close proximity to poisonous gases.

In Namibia, Ina Maria is working under tough conditions to stop Canadian company, Recon Africa, from fracking for gas in the Okavango Delta. Recon is threatening food security for the country and its neighbours, not to mention the immense beauty of the delta and its pristine water which has birthed a unique bio-diverse region.

When his hometown, Durban, is devastated by flooding, Kumi Naidoo is stunned by government inaction. He’s clear that people must prepare for what is coming and to organise themselves accordingly. But how do we grow a powerful movement when so few people see climate as the big issue?

Taking place between two major climate conferences – COP26 Glasgow and COP27 Sharm el Sheik, Temperature Rising uncovers the barriers to climate action and calls loudly for movement building from below, at a time where the very survival of large numbers of people depends on what activists can get political leaders to do.